Sunday 7 July 2024


A moment of quiet reflection in the deserted church.

This post is part of the My Sunday Best meme

Saturday 6 July 2024


The Australian wood duck, maned duck or maned goose (Chenonetta jubata) is a dabbling duck found throughout much of Australia. It is the only living species in the genus Chenonetta. Traditionally placed in the subfamily Anatinae (dabbling ducks), it might belong to the subfamily Tadorninae (shelducks); the ringed teal may be its closest living relative.

This 45–51 cm duck looks like a small goose, and mostly feeds by grazing in flocks. The male is grey with a dark brown head and mottled breast. The female has white stripes above and below the eye and mottled underparts. Both sexes have grey wings with black primaries and a white speculum. Juveniles are similar to adult females, but lighter and with a more streaky breast.

The Australian wood duck is widespread in Australia, including Tasmania. The Australian wood duck is found in grasslands, open woodlands, wetlands, flooded pastures and along the coast in inlets and bays. It is also common on farmland with dams, as well as around rice fields, sewage ponds and in urban parks. It will often be found around deeper lakes that may be unsuitable for other waterbirds' foraging, as it prefers to forage on land. It has been recorded as a vagrant in New Zealand, although in 2015 and 2016 a pair successfully bred there. In the photos they are seen on a frosty Winter morning in the Darebin Parklands, Alphington.

This post is part of the Saturday Critters meme

Friday 5 July 2024


Winter sunrise with the crescent moon and Venus. It was cold (0˚C)!

This post is part of the Skywatch Friday meme

Thursday 4 July 2024


One of the joys of Australian Winter is that many of the native plants begin to bloom now and stay blooming till Spring or beyond. Hakea laurina is shrub or small tree commonly known as kodjet or pin-cushion hakea and is endemic to Western Australia. The Noongar name for the plant is kodjet or kojet. It has red and cream conspicuous globular flowers and lance shaped leaves.

The plant, which is propagated from seeds, is used in cultivation in the eastern states of Australia, and as a hedging or street plant in America and Italy. Adaptable to a number of soil types, the plant is also tolerant of frost. The uses of this species include ornament and shading in public streets, wildlife habitat, windbreaks, and control of soil erosion. In the language of flowers, Hakea laurina symbolises nobility and longevity.

This post is part of the Floral Friday Fotos meme

Wednesday 3 July 2024


Frosty morning sunrise in the Darebin Parklands with ambient temperature of 0˚C. Brave ducks (not to mention photographer).

This post is part of the Roentare’s Water Meme

and also part of the Wordless Wednesday meme

and also part of the Nature Notes meme

Tuesday 2 July 2024


Cold Winter's day in Gippsland. It may look sunny and fine, but the temperature is 2˚C...

This post is part of the Travel Tuesday meme

Monday 1 July 2024