Monday 4 February 2019


I took a few photos of our garden through a glass prism and managed to get the optics right with a couple of them to get images like this. This was quite an amateurish attempt as I was holding the camera lens right up against one of the glass faces of the prism, trying to focus through the thick glass. The focal lengths and the optics would only allow one broken up image to be in sharp focus. Somehow, I think that the out of focus images around the main one enhance the composition. What do you think?

This post is part of the Mosaic Monday meme,
and also part of the Through my Lens meme,
and also part of the Seasons meme,
and also part of the Blue Monday meme.


  1. Happy mosaic Monday


  2. Nick - interesting photo technique. And I agree with you that the out of focus areas around the main section make it more appealing. Did you try focusing through other sections of the prism? Thanks for adding this very different "mosaic" to Mosaic Monday this week!


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