Saturday 23 January 2021


The white-faced heron (Egretta novaehollandiae) also known as the white-fronted heron, and incorrectly as the grey heron, or blue crane, is a common bird throughout most of Australasia, including New Guinea, the islands of Torres Strait, Indonesia, New Zealand, and all but the driest areas of Australia.

It is a medium-sized heron, pale, slightly bluish-grey, with yellow legs and white facial markings. It can be found almost anywhere near shallow water, fresh or salt, and although it is prompt to depart the scene on long, slow-beating wings if disturbed, it will boldly raid suburban fish ponds.

The adult white-faced heron is medium-sized for the family and mostly pale blue-grey. The forehead, crown, chin and upper throat are white. The crown pattern is variable, with the white occasionally spreading down the neck; the variability makes identification of individuals possible. The iris may be grey, green, dull yellow or cinnamon. The regions between the eye and bill on the side of the head (lores) are black. The beak is black and often pale grey at the base.

During the breeding season pinkish-brown or bronze nuptial plumes appear on the foreneck and breast, with blue-grey plumes appearing on the back. The adult typically weighs 550 g  and ranges from 60 to 70 cm in height. Immature birds are paler grey with only the throat white, and often have a reddish colour on the underparts. Chicks are typically covered with grey down.

This post is part of the Saturday Critters meme.


  1. Interesting world-wide bird family! We just saw a heron near the river in the park near us. Like many birds, they are here in winter but harder to see than in the warmer months.

    be safe... mae at

  2. Hello, Nick

    The White-faced Heron is a beautiful bird. Great photo! Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, enjoy your weekend! PS, thank you for the comment.

  3. I do like the Herons, and this is a new one for me.


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