Monday 24 July 2023


We are fortunate in Melbourne as our Winter is quite mild. Hence, many flowers are still blooming in our gardens and in the fields in July, our midwinter month.

The mosaic below shows some common flowers that are blossoming right now. Beginning in the upper left and progressing clockwise: Nemesia; Bacopa; Oxalis; Blue Hibiscus; Japonica; Jonquils; Lobelia. In the background you can see some Winter marigolds.

This post is part of the Mosaic Monday meme,
and also part of the Blue Monday meme,
and also part of the Seasons meme.


  1. Ms. M.A.P, I like your Flowerbox mosaic. Very pretty. I learned, I've never seen, nor known of, the Blue Hibiscus. We have two red ones potted, on our open back porch by our back door. One grows almost straight upward, the other is gangly with an about five foot diameter. About every three days one will have a bloom or two. They are four years old, stunted to match their smallish pots. We bring them into the garage in the winter. We generally get a few cold below freezing nights here along the Gulf of Mexico Texas coast.

    1. O yes, by about spring's end each Hibiscus has shed all its leaves and is growing some new ones.

  2. Winter flowers are just so pretty

  3. Just lovely!! Very cheery in this cold snap we're having. Thanks for sharing with #Allseasons

  4. My daffodils are only just flowering here, winter seems to be pretty mild here too

  5. I hope my Melbourne garden is looking as colourful! Have a great week.

  6. What a delightful series showing your winter flowers.

  7. Thank you being part at


    I enjoyed your flowers. We have hot summer here...

    Wish you a very good week.
    Hugs by Heidrun


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