Saturday 8 July 2023


Black Angus cattle originated in Scotland in the Aberdeenshire area. The breed remains very successful in both Scotland and Ireland, but is now established in many countries around the world, including Australia and USA.

Most Black Angus cattle are medium to large, naturally polled with large muscle content. Average body weight for bulls is about 1,870 pounds, while cows weigh in at 1,200. Known for their heartiness, the Angus was bred to survive harsh Scottish winters with lots of snow. Overall the breed is known for a relatively easy temperament and fast growth. The darker hide pigmentation protects the breed against cancer eye and sun- and snow-burned udders, and the breed is known for easy calving.

This post is part of the Saturday Critters meme


  1. Hello,
    They are beautiful, I like the cows and the landscape. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great week. Thank you for leaving me a comment.

  2. It makes sense that the darker hide prevents cancers.

  3. Black Angus cattle are a truly impressive breed. The picture is lovely, and I particularly like the picturesque landscape surrounding them.


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