Thursday 5 September 2024


August 2024 across Australia was the warmest on record by a considerable margin, with a mean average temperature that was 3.02°C above the long-term average, while the 2024 winter was the second-warmest on record nationwide. That's an entire month that was three degrees warmer than average when you factor in both minimum and maximum temperatures at over 100 Australian weather stations across each state and territory.

This may explain why we are seeing early flowering of many Spring flowers in Melbourne, with the gardens already filling with lawn daisies, daffodils, tulips, anemones, primroses, polyanthus, freesias, hyacinths, violets, stocks, etc. In the countryside, one may see three-cornered leek ("onion-weed"), dandelions, buttercups, wattles, gum flowers, and many other natives.

However, every now and then we have a spate of cold, stormy weather with rain, hail, or even snow on the nearby mountains. A couple of days ago a heavy hail storm damaged plants in our garden with hailstones the size of peas. Climate change is a fact of life...

This post is past of the Floral Friday Fotos meme
Pigface (Carpobrotus glaucescens)


Flowering peach


Sparaxis in the hail


  1. It's beautiful here at the moment, except for all the hay fever, People in this house are really suffering! #FloralFridayFoto


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