Monday 2 September 2024


Having a bit of fun with some lengths of rusty wire and stones I had found on a walk. I imagined a wiry egg in a stone nest and made it so... I wondered if cast iron ducks lay wiry eggs?

Melbourne is having a severe weather event these past few days - high winds with gusts up to 145 km/hr, wild rain, hail and snow in the mountains, flooding and cold. Winter is leaving us with a vengeance. The days previous to this event misled us into thinking Spring had come early - Wrong!

This post is part of the Mosaic Monday meme,
and also part of the Seasons meme.


  1. THe weather is nuts. Yesterday I got a ;too late to leave' fire warning from up the coast (not near me) - seems very early for that sort of wild fire....yikes

  2. Thanks for sharing with #Allseasons


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