Wednesday 6 February 2013


Yarra Bend Park is the largest area of natural bushland near the heart of Melbourne. The park features steep river escarpments, open woodlands, playing fields and golf courses. The Eastern Freeway passes over the park, but one still finds serene pockets of wilderness a few kilometres from the city centre.

The Yarra River winds its way through the park and lends itself to a variety of water sports and leisure activities. The park is home to many species of birds, bats and other mammals, reptiles (tiger snakes and blue tongued lizards are common) insects and fish (esp. carp and eels) also regularly found are Rainbow Lorikeets, Red-rumped Parrots and Yellow-tailed Black Cockatoos, Water Rats and Brush-tail and Ringtail Possums.

This post is part of the Water World Wednesday meme,
as well as the Outdoor Wednesday meme.


  1. Wonderful outdoor shots! ~ Carol of (A Creative Harbor) on Blogger ^_^ visiting from Outdoor Weds.

  2. What a lovely place, Nick! And your captures are wonderful as always! Hope your week is going well!!

  3. nice spot....seems to me (as a lazy American) that Australians are a pretty active lot....

  4. Looking at these photos make me think of spring and summer. Great shots!

    Visiting from Water World Wednesday

  5. These really do make one think of Summer.

  6. I discovered this spot only late last year and was amazed to find such wilderness so close t the CBD.


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