Wednesday 7 August 2019


Etching | ˈɛtʃɪŋ | noun
A print produced by the process of etching: Etchings of animals and wildflowers.
[mass noun] The art or process of producing etched plates or objects: The artist dispensed with the medium of etching. | A dozen cycles of etching interspersed with the implantation of ions.

Etching is traditionally the process of using strong acid or mordant to cut into the unprotected parts of a metal surface to create a design in intaglio (incised) in the metal. Ink is then forced into the incised design and prints are made on paper. In modern manufacturing, other chemicals may be used on other types of material. As a method of printmaking, it is, along with engraving, the most important technique for old master prints, and remains in wide use today.

This post is part of the Wordless Wednesday meme,
and also part of the ABC Wednesday meme.

Rembrandt: The Little Children Being Brought to Jesus ("The 100 Guilder Print") c. 1649 (Print in the NGV, Melbourne)

The so-called Hundred Guilder Print is Rembrandt's most famous etching. Rembrandt began to make studies for this celebrated print earlier, but in its main types and in its final decisive achievement the etching belongs to the beginning of the mature period. The popular title, found in the literature as early as 1711, is derived from the high price the print is said to have fetched at a sale. According to an anecdote recorded by the eighteenth-century art dealer and collector J.P. Mariette in his Abecedario, it was Rembrandt himself who paid this sensational price for an impression of his own print.

The etching illustrates passages from Chapter 19 of the Gospel of St Matthew. Rembrandt treated the text with liberty; he merged the successive events into a simultaneous one, with Christ in the centre preaching and performing his miracles. According to the text, Christ had come from Galilee, a large multitude following, and he began to preach, healing the sick. The crowd look to the Lord, waiting for their turn to be healed. Near the centre, to the left, a young mother with a child advances to Jesus. St Peter interferes, restraining her, but Christ makes a counter-movement. It is the moment when he says the famous words: 'Suffer the little children, and forbid them not, for of such is the kingdom of heaven'.


  1. Wow. That's fascinating. I'd like to see the process to better understand how it is done.
    Thank you for sharing at

  2. intriguing and painstaking form of art... I love to look at it but can't do it myself

    Have a heartwarming en splendid ABC-Wednes-day / -week
    M e l o d y (team ABC-W)


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