Thursday 4 June 2020


Here in Southern Hemisphere, June is the first month of Winter. Admittedly, in Melbourne our Winter is very mild compared to say, Central Europe, Canada or the Northeastern USA. It almost never snows, and the lowest Winter temperatures are rarely below 10˚C (= 50˚F). However, nights can be quite cold, and it is often rainy.

This year, Winter has come rather early and we have had some very wet and cold weather beginning mid-May. This has alternated with days of milder, dry weather. Our gardens have become rather confused and the plants are doing strange things. This bouquet from our back garden was collected yesterday and it shows an odd assortment of flowers all  normally blooming at different times of the year, but amazingly, now all flowering at the same time: 

White Spanish jasmine (Summer);
Pink roses (Spring and Summer);
Crimson carnations (Summer);
Zinnias (Summer and Autumn);
Chrysanthemums (Autumn);
White and Yellow jonquils (Winter and Spring);
Cosmos (Summer and Autumn);
Stock (Spring and Summer);
Shasta Daisy (Summer).

A truly paradoxical collection!

This post is part of the Floral Friday Fotos meme.


  1. Beautiful and interesting top.
    Have shared.
    Thanks for sharing with us.

  2. I love such colorful bouquets of summer flowers!
    My flowers ...


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