Thursday 28 January 2021


A red Crucifix Orchid flowering in our garden at the moment. Epidendrum radicans is the scientific name of this species of orchid. Common names include ground-rooting epidendrum, fire-star orchid, rainbow orchid, and reed-stem epidendrum. It is a common roadside weed at middle elevations in Central America.

It is a crucifix orchid, often confused with many other members of the section Schistochila, including E. calanthe, E. cinnabarinum, E. denticulatum, E. erectum, E. fulgens, E. ibaguense, E. imatophyllum, E. incisum, E. schomburgkii, E. secundum, and E. xanthinum, among others. The diagnostic characteristic of E. radicans is its tendency to sprout roots all along the length of the stem; other crucifix orchids only produce roots near the base. Additionally, E. radicans flowers are resupinate, unlike the members of the Epidendrum secundum complex, E. fulgens, and many other crucifix orchids. E. radicans also differs from E. secundum by bearing no nectar in the flower.

Crucifix Orchids have tough leathery leaves and long, thin stems with long lasting clusters of flowers. The common name refers to the lip of the flower called the labellum, which resembles a small cross. Great beginner's orchid - tough and easy to grow!

This post is part of the Floral Friday Fotos meme.


  1. Is my photo also a Crucifix Orchid?

  2. I don't think I've seen that type of flower before, mind you I'm hopeless at growing orchids.

  3. Wow ! I have never heard of this variety of Orchid . It would be my pleasure if you join my link up party related to Gardening here at


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