Wednesday 7 August 2024


x Fatshedera is an intergeneric hybrid created by crossing Fatsia japonica 'Moserii' (Japanese fatsia) with Hedera helix (common ivy)  in the Araliaceae family. With one parent being a shrub and the other a vine, the plant can be trained in multiple ways.  It can be tied to supports as a vine or allowed to grow along the ground as a groundcover. Pruning the plant to encourage bushiness will give it a more shrub-like form. Greenish-white flowers are produced in Autumn, and berries (seen here) develop in Winter.

This plant is very tolerant of adverse conditions including air pollution and coastal sea spray.  Plant in shade or north exposure for winter protection.  Works well planted under taller shrubs, in containers, or in borders.  It even makes a good houseplant.  Propagates by softwood or semi-hardwood cuttings. Variegated cultivars are available.

This post is part of the Wordless Wednesday meme,
and also part of the Nature Notes meme.


  1. Are these edible for either humans or animals?
    Thanks for sharing at

  2. I've never heard of these...interesting...Michelle


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