Thursday 5 September 2013


The first three are in Bourke St. Zendesk is "Customer service software that brings companies and their customers closer together" and the little rooftop area is for the relaxation of their employees.

The little beast warning of the end is one of a number of quirky such signs that have started to appear all over the city. I have seen a couple more but did not have my camera with me. I'll need to photograph them for a later post. This one is on Queen St.

The giants Gog and Magog are in Royal Arcade, while the wealth of signs in Degraves St advertise the multitude of cafés and eateries there.

This post is part of the Signs, Signs meme.


  1. i like that little outdoor patio with the green furniture!

  2. I want my office to be at that 'zendesk'!

  3. A great look into your world through the signs you see everyday


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