Monday, 20 February 2017


This is a mural in Nicholson St, Carlton, by artist Justin Avery. Quite a striking piece with the tessellated blue and pink background on which are the three figures warping the fabric of time as it were, poking a stick through the orderly cubes. A nice touch is the galah in flight above!

This post is part of the Monday Murals meme,
and also part of the Through my Lens meme,
and also part of the Seasons meme.


  1. I'm not sure I get the message, but it's interesting to look at!

  2. Am curious what people the three represent? Also, what significance the bird has? Undoubtedly significant skill! Thanks you for sharing this mural with ALL SEASONS on it's first year anniversary:)

  3. Pretty ambiguous. I'm seeing a lot of despair. Thanks for contributing to this week's Monday Mural.

  4. Hmmm...I'm not good at interpreting things, so I will just admire the colors and talent!


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