Monday 24 July 2017


We are beginning to see the first hints of Spring here in Melbourne. Although the days are still short and the nights cold, the garden is awakening and the flowers are beginning to bloom. Camellia and iris, wattle and grevillea, French lavender and daphne. Still some way to go, but the smell of daphne in the house sure is a strong reminder that Spring is not too far away...

This post is part of the Mosaic Monday meme,
and also part of the Macro Monday meme,
and also part of the Through my Lens meme,
and also part of the Seasons meme.


  1. A very different seasonal mosaic, both in colour and texture, you can certainly feel that spring is in the air.

  2. Lovely floral collage/mosaic ~ beautiful! ^_^

  3. Even though the collage gives a good overview - separating the photos of each flower gives more focus on each flower:) Have never seen both red related flowers. Thank you for your comment this week and linking to All Seasons! Tried to leave you a comment on each of your site, but the chapta gave me grief, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed!

  4. you can certainly feel that spring is in the air.



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