Sunday 22 July 2018


High-rise accommodation is proliferating in Melbourne at an alarming pace. An easy solution for the increased demand for housing by an unchecked population growth in a city of limited resources and failing infrastructure. Such are modern times and such is the lot of people subjected to modern living conditions...

This post is part of the My Sunday Best meme,
and also part of the My Sunday Photo meme,
and also part of the Photo Sunday meme.


  1. Hi Nick, just looking at these photos makes me sad. I know I would never be happy living like that, but I also know that there are many people who have no choice and there are equally as many who couldn't live in the sticks like I do. My sister included! #MySundayPhoto


  2. What remarkable views, I quite like the idea of living in an apartment.

    Hope you have a good Sunday and thank you for linking up to #MySundayPhoto

  3. Apartment living has both its advantages and disadvantages. I like your photo of these modern buildings, and especially like your second photo most carefully assembled to keep the perspective correct.

  4. Fabulous series of images



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