Friday 7 October 2022


We are currently in the midst of a La Niña weather event in Southeastern Australia. Meteorologists predict that the current La Niña is looking relatively short and weak, likely to peak in late spring or early summer However, it is not the only factor that could push us towards wet conditions in the coming months, with tropical weather systems being driven southward. With catchments already so wet from the past few years of rain, flooding cannot be ruled out this summer...

Last night and today we had quite a few downpours in Melbourne, with flash-flooding and disruptions to traffic and local damage to property. It makes for spectacular skies in any case!

This post is part of the Skywatch Friday meme


  1. The first photo is quitei ominous looking. It's gorgeous. I love the rain drop effects on the second.

  2. With our extended drought, the rain looks wonderful!


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