Wednesday 24 April 2024


Over 6000 mainly English elms Ulmus procera and Dutch elms U. x hollandica adorn the streets, boulevards and parks in the City of Melbourne, and some 11,200 elms are maintained within a 10-km radius of Melbourne's city centre. The Golden Wych elm U. glabra 'Lutescens', the Weeping Wych elm U. glabra 'Camperdownii' and the Chinese elm U. parvifolia have been widely planted since the 1950s, especially in the gardens of Melbourne's eastern suburbs.

The impact of introduced pests, city growth and the danger of an accidental introduction of Dutch elm disease continue to threaten Melbourne's ageing elm population. As a result of these pressures, groups such as the Friends of the Elms and the Elm Pests and Diseases Task Force have been formed to protect what is considered one of the finest remaining populations of mature elms in the world.

This post is part of the Wordless Wednesday meme,
and also part of the Nature Notes meme


  1. I love to see beautiful trees like this and it hurts to see it when they're cut down. Thanks for sharing at

  2. There's a disease that has wiped out most elms in the U.S. - glad to see it's spared yours.
    Thanks for sharing at


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