Monday 15 June 2015


This extensive mural, made up of a complex interplay of tagging/graffiti and a couple of representational images, is located in my neighbourhood, on the back wall of a warehouse. It seems to have been created by a group of painters as there are a few different signatures here and there there.

I do not usually like tagging and abstract graffiti, but this particular mural was quite amusing and made me stop and look. I liked the fragmented look of it and the bright colours. The female face is quite well painted and lends an air of mystery to the mural. I must admit, I am sure that if the face was not there, I would have cast one glance at it and and would have moved on...

This post is part of the Monday Murals meme,
and also part of the Blue Monday meme.


  1. Hi Nick,

    I agree. That face is compelling, perhaps because she pops above the margin. Thanks for linking in today.

    Happy Blue Monday!

  2. Wow! Your country is big on murals and you find wonderful ones! Great shots!

    Happy Week to you,
    artmusedog and carol

  3. This graffiti style is popular here also. Tom The Backroads Traveller

  4. Someone very talented in this field. Never saw murals just like this.

  5. As near as I can tell, the signatures on the mural are called "pieces." At least they are here in CA. I only rarely can read them. I am charmed by the woman appearing through the lettering, although she looks pretty no-nonsense. Thanks for contributing to this week's Monday Mural.

  6. These murals are huge pieces of wonderful art. Thank you for the share. Have a great week!


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