Wednesday 16 March 2016


The Exhibition Fountain by Josef Hochgurtel is of Portland cement built in 1880. Josef Hochgurtel was born in Cologne, Germany, and trained under Herr Fuels, who modelled the Cologne Cathedral. In creating the Exhibition Fountain, he was assisted by August Saupe, who had worked on similar pieces in Berlin, Dresden and Copenhagen. The colossal fountain stands some 10 metres high on the south side of the Royal Exhibition Building, outside the Great Hall. It was constructed for the first of Melbourne’s two grand international world fairs. The fountain’s visual elements were designed to display the young colony’s confidence and advancement, simultaneously signalling the purpose of world fairs to display the produce and industry of nations.

This post is part of the Wednesday Waters meme,
and also part of the Waterworld Wednesday meme,
and also part of the Outdoor Wednesday meme,
and also part of the Wordless Wednesday meme.


  1. The Royal Exhibition Building was a super example of the international exhibition style architecture, sort of cruciform Italian Renaissance style and sort of Beaux-Arts. The dominant component was the Florentine-style cathedral dome.

    So although the fountain looks terrific in the trees and lawn, I wonder why they chose this particular fountain design?

  2. I like the photos of the fountains.
    Thanks for sharing at

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