Sunday 12 September 2021


Adversity affects people in different ways: Some crack under the strain and dissolve into a mass of blubbering jelly; others become insecure, selfish and violent; others freeze into inaction and observe helplessly all that develops; yet others are afraid and cower in denial, being ready to believe anything that will provide quick, albeit irrational, comfort.

A select group face the challenges of adversity and rise to their full height, diving into their inner bottomless seas of strength and courage, and face squarely whatever the world throws at them. Such people are society's rocks and it is on them that we should lean taking energy from their strength, hope from their courageous actions, and nurture our courage to imitate their example.

A neighbour has made a simple yet expressive statement on their fence, regarding the COVID challenge we are all living through. Thanking your relatives, friends, neighbours, but most importantly strangers for doing the right thing for society's health and wellbeing is a courageous act, considering that COVID-deniers and anti-vaxxers can become violent and vindictive. Thank YOU, neighbour!

This post is part of the My Sunday Best meme

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