Saturday 11 September 2021


Harmonia conformis (the large spotted ladybird) is a species of ladybird (the family Coccinellidae). It has a light reddish appearance and its colouration includes 20 large black spots, 18 of which are found on the elytra (wing covers). They are quite large for ladybirds, being about 6–7 mm long.

It is a predator of other insects, eating aphids as both a It is found in Australia, and has been introduced to New Zealand, where it is common in northern regions. Another member of the same genus, Harmonia antipoda, also occurs in New Zealand. This species, however, is a native and is much smaller and harder to find.

This post is part of the Saturday Critters meme

1 comment:

  1. Hello,
    Great find, they are tiny insects. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a happy weekend. PS, thanks for the visit and comment on my blog.


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