Wednesday 14 September 2022


Yes, I think that clinches it. Spring is here, I could have stepped on at least 12 daisies with one foot! (But I didn't step on them, I took a photo instead).

This post is part of the Wordless Wednesday meme,
and also part of the My Corner of the World meme,
and also part of the Nature Notes meme.


  1. Fascinating. They look like Bellis perennis, called common daisy, lawn daisy or English daisy. No, I'm not a plant expert. But I found similar species at school and wanted to cover my entire yard at home with them. Luckily, I looked them up. Here in Vermont they are invasive and bad and beautiful. Since your country also has European roots, and it looks like the same, especially the foliage, I'm making the assumption. I still love them, though.

  2. Sweet! I like the contrast here.

  3. How beautiful. Spring is with you, while fall is approaching here.

  4. One of my favorite flowers and makes for happy bees....


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