Monday 26 September 2022


As the weather improves and we march towards Summer, the sailors and boatmen are getting ready their craft for fun in the sun on the Bay. The landlubbers can enjoy the view sitting inside the coolness of a seaside hotel sipping refreshing drinks...

This post is part of the Mosaic Monday meme,
and also part of the Blue Monday meme,
and also part of the Seasons meme.


  1. I would be sitting outside in the sunshine, enjoying the view from outside the seaside hotel sipping refreshing drinks :)

  2. Since I'm in the Northern hemisphere, it's always wild for me reading posts at this time of year from folks in the Southern hemisphere. My knee jerk reaction is always "what do you mean summer is approaching? What planet do you live on? Oh...the other half of this one. Right."

  3. Such inviting scenes you have shared. Now about that drink...

  4. Maintaining a boat can be expensive and time consuming but it is also worth the enjoyment of sailing and enjoying that freedom!

  5. That middle one is lovely - thanks for joining in #Allseasons

  6. Boats always look so great from shore, but I then I think about all the maintenance required, and I continue to watch from shore .... Thanks for linking to Mosaic Monday!

  7. I'm waiting for the spring rain to stop so I can enjoy the weather, too!


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