Sunday 19 February 2012


Newman College is a Roman Catholic, co-educational residential college affiliated with the University of Melbourne. During the university year it houses about 235 undergraduate students and about 55 postgraduate students and tutors. The college was named after Cardinal John Henry Newman, a former Anglican and major figure in the Oxford Movement who became a Roman Catholic in the 19th century.

The collegiate system spawned from the secular nature of the university, as each of the major Christian churches were given land to the north of the main campus to establish institutions in which to teach religion. The college motto is Luceat Lux Vestra, translating from Latin as "Let Your Light Shine".

The original set of buildings were built during 1916 to 1918 and were designed by renowned architect Walter Burley Griffin and are considered to be some of his best work. Burley Griffin also designed furniture for the college, including distinctive chairs, tables and bookshelves for the dining room and the original bedrooms of the college. Much of this furniture remains in day to day use at the college, but some of it has found its way into various art galleries and private collections. This was recognised by its inclusion on the Australian National Heritage List on 21 September 2005, citing "one of the best examples of Griffin’s architecture in Australia" and "Newman College is significant as an outstanding expression of Griffin’s architectural style".

The stonework is currently receiving substantial renovation to repair over 80 years of damage through exposure and natural degradation of the original stone. At its opening the administration of the college was entrusted to the Society of Jesus (Jesuits) who continue its administration to the present day. As of 2011 the rector of the college is Father Bill Uren SJ, a former chaplain and rector (1987–1990) of Newman. He replaced the Very Reverend Peter L'Estrange SJ, who held the position from 1991, before moving to Campion Hall, Oxford.

This post is part of the Psalm Sunday meme.

While we were there, the choir was rehearsing Vivaldi's "Gloria", which you can listen to below:


  1. Wonderful Nick, I thoroughly enjoyed that, Vivaldi has always been a favorite. Perfect for Sunday morning!

  2. Interesting that the Roman Catholic centre at U of Toronto Is the Newman Centre Named after the same person! Lovely church!

  3. A wonderful post, Nick. Vivaldi has always been a favorite of mine as well. Perfect post for the day. Thank you for sharing the beauty!


  4. Inspiring and beautiful!

  5. Beautiful theme, nice photos, wonderful music!

  6. You have a special touch in your photos!! Very nice post

  7. Thank you for your great shots and beautiful music, Nick.

  8. tres belle cette universite, et j'aime beaucoup la deuxieme photo

    Publicity ;o) Every Friday (and the Weekend), The Challenge "Walk In The Street Photography"

  9. What a wonderful post! Love the music, too. Wow! I enjoyed Vivaldi concerts at a church on the Grand Canal in Venice.

  10. What an oasis it must be, for education, senses, life. Thank you for sharing and your kind participation as well very much. Please have a good new week ahead.

  11. Great piece of architecture.

  12. Thanks for sharing the music. Lovely.

  13. Nick, that is a lovely place of learning! I missed the audio though, my system has some problem.
    I will come back and listen , once I fix it.


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