Friday 15 June 2012


A sunrise hot air balloon flight over Melbourne is a remarkable experience. There are few major cities in the world that can be traversed by hot air balloon and there certainly is no better way to take in Australia's second largest city. In the early morning light balloons drifting by the array of parks and gardens that make Melbourne the world's most liveable city are a sight to behold.

We regularly get them flying over our garden, where I took these photos. One of these days, we'll take flight ourselves...

This post is part of Sylvia's Skywatch Friday meme.


  1. O yes, if there is an opportunity to try it one day, you really should. I have done it once and it's an absolutely amazing experience. Great skywatch photo's!

  2. Oh, yes, indeed! I took a ride in one several years ago with my daughter in California! I loved it and I loved being able to look the eagle in the eye! Awesome captures for the day, Nick! Happy SWF! Hope you have a wonderful weekend!


  3. What wonderful lighting of the fire in the balloon! :) Fantastic!

    As aside: We are in Melbourne today. Melbourne, Florida, that is. ;)

  4. so nice and what fun to be on it up above...

  5. Wow - fabulous! You would never see that over Toronto.

  6. Looks like fun!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  7. great captures Nick


  8. That would be great to have the air balloons regularly flying over my yard. Here, it's fairly expensive to ride one. You probably don't know but SkyWatch was Klaus' meme, and died last year. In memory of him 3 bloggers then continued his meme. Have a happy sky watch!

  9. Great pictures -- I hope you do go up one of these days and I hope you share the view from on high.


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