Sunday 23 April 2017


At 63%, Australia has one of the highest rates of pet ownership in the world. Dogs are the most common pet, with 39% of households owning a dog. There are estimated to be 4.2 million pet dogs in Australia; 19 dogs for every 100 people.

Cats are the second most common pet, with 29% of households owning a cat. There are estimated to be 3.3 million pet cats in Australia; 15 cats for every 100 people.

Fish are the most numerous pet type, with a total population of 10.7 million. The number of birds is estimated to be 4.8 million, with a further 2.2 million other pets including small mammals and reptiles.

This is Rusty, our neighbour's cat, who often enough ventures into our own yard...

This post is part of the My Sunday Best meme,
and also part of the My Sunday Photo meme,
and also part of the Photo Sunday meme,
and also part of the Saturday Critters meme,
and also part of the Camera Critters meme.


  1. Beautiful photo! I like cats, have one here at home and in my today's post I is a photo of my mothers cat...

  2. Hi Nick, Rusty is a mighty fine looking cat and looks none too pleased at being disturbed for a photo.


  3. Gorgeous Rasty, the cat! Warm look in his/her eyes...
    Have a nice Sunday!

  4. What a beautiful looking cat, love the colour

    Thank you for linking up

  5. Rusty doesn't look happy to have his photo taken! But he's a lovely cat.


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