Sunday 28 September 2014


Last week I published some photos from St Ambrose's Catholic Church in Brunswick. A couple of hundred metres diagonally across that church is the Anglican Christ Church on 9 Glenlyon Rd.

Christ Church is a good example of  the Italian Renaissance architecture, although the campanile alone is of Romanesque design. Dedicated in 1857 and classified by the National Trust of Australia (Victoria), the church has been a centre of anglo-catholic (High Church) worship in Brunswick for more than century and a half.

The Church espouses the following (from their website):
"Our Vision: We are a community of people, following Christ, making his presence known in the breaking of the bread.
Our Mission: To show God to our parishioners.
Our Values: We are an Anglican Anglo-Catholic community that brings God’s word and sacraments to our members. We are an exclusive church that teaches the faith, providing a focal point for worship using traditional and modern liturgies including the Book of Common Prayer (1928) and A Prayer Book for Australia (APBA)."

This post is part of the inSPIREd Sunday meme,
and also part of the Spiritual Sundays meme.


  1. I always enjoy seeing these old interesting church buildings and learning their history. Thank you for sharing.

  2. Lovely photos of this grand church!

  3. A wonderful stone craving of the Madonna and Child. Tom The Backroads Traveller


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