Thursday 4 September 2014


Xanthorrhoea australis (commonly known as the Grass-tree or Black Boy), is an Australian plant. It is the most commonly seen species of the genus Xanthorrhoea . Its fire-blackened trunk can grow up to several metres tall and is often branched. In certain Aboriginal languages, it is called 'Bukkup' or 'Kawee'. In Xanthorrhoeas, the main way to identify them is by looking at the cross-section of the leaves. In the case of X. australis, the cross-section is a rough diamond shape, and the colour of the leaves is a bluish-green.

X. australis is not often seen in bloom because this species requires fire to stimulate its reproductive cycle. However, if it does flower, a flowering spike grows out of the top of the plant. Flowers appear on the spike, usually covering 1⁄2–5⁄6 of the stem. The flowers of this particular species have 6 petals. The crown of leaves of X. australis will be almost spherical in shape, the point of each leaf perfectly marking the shape of the imagined sphere.

X. australis has leaves which are softer and generally less rigid than other Xanthorrhoeas. Old leaves hang down forming a distinctive skirt-like feature that partly covers the fire-blackened trunk. X. australis flowers from July to December, but younger plants may flower in June. This species can also be found in South Australia, New South Wales and Tasmania.

This post is part of the Floral Friday Fotos meme.


  1. Now this is a new one for me! Tom The Backroads Traveller

  2. A very interesting tree. I haven't seen it before either.

  3. This is a new one to me!

  4. I agree with the other commentors in never seeing this one before, quite unique in a good way.

  5. Oh, I just LOVE these! They remind me of giant land (sea) anemones!!

  6. Wow, this is very interesting looking. I wish I could feel the leaves and the trunk.


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