Sunday 30 May 2021


Since Friday morning, Melbourne has been in a snap COVID Lockdown for seven days. I wish I could say we are used to it by now, but that's not true. It seems that people's irresponsible behaviour, inept public health measures, poor government leadership, bungled vaccination rollouts and petty political games between state and federal governments have once again caused an outbreak of COVID cases in the community.

Once again, businesses are closed in Melbourne, people are confined at home, children are not going to school, and we can only go out of the house for five reasons:
1) Shopping for food and supplies;
2) Authorised work and education;
3) Care and caregiving;
4) Exercise (for up to two hours and with one other person), and:
5) Getting vaccinated.

So here we are in our local shopping centre, doing our grocery shopping (no, we did not need any toilet paper) and feeling sad seeing the deserted aisles, the closed shops and the melancholy prospect of seeing an extension of the Lockdown next Friday...

This post is part of the My Sunday Best meme


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