Wednesday 23 November 2011


Coburg is a suburb in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, 8 km North from Melbourne's central business district. Its Local Government Area is the City of Moreland, and at the 2006 Census, Coburg had a population of 23,772. Merri Creek is a beautiful waterway with associated parklands that winds its way from Melbourne's North towards the Yarra River. Coburg Lake is a beautiful small lake that is surrounded by parks, providing a habitat for the water fowl as well as a wonderful place for the locals to relax in.

For more of my photos of this location, click here.

This post is part of the Watery Wednesday meme post. Click here for more wonderful photos with a watery theme!

It is also part of the Outdoor Wednesday meme. Click here for more outdoor shots!


  1. connecting nature and human kind. wonderful memories for a child, small and grown. please have a good wednesday.

    daily athens photo

  2. Beautiful photo!
    Have a great day.

  3. I've never seen both ducks and pigeons coming in for a handout. So funny!!

  4. What a great capture! Love seeing both the pigeons and the ducks together! They do that at the harbor here in Seattle! Hope your week is going well!


  5. I can remember vividly feeding the ducks as a little girl. It was such fun. You can tell in this photo that these people are having that kind of fun, too. It is such a pretty capture. Thanks for sharing. Happy Thanksgiving. genie

    Water come to me,
    flow over my aging toes,
    bring your soothing touch.

  6. a contest between ducks and pigeons; I'm sure they're all well fed

  7. Your ducks looks a bit different from ours. Except for the mallards.

  8. gaggle way to spend outdoor.

  9. Love the gentle pose of the white-haired woman feeding the birds! A wonderful scene!


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